Limeblaster Compact Filtration Salt-Free Alternative System

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The Limeblaster Modular Dual Salt-Free Conditioning and Chlorine Removal System is designed for applications where space may be limited but limescale prevention and chlorine and chemical removal are desired.

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Limeblaster Compact Filtration Salt-Free Alternative System

Limeblaster Compact Filtration Salt-Free Alternative System is designed for applications where space may be limited but limescale prevention and chlorine and chemical removal are desired. It uses a radial flow carbon filter and our Limeblaster module which is America’s Number One Scale Prevention Method (coincidently, it’s also the most economical… both to buy and maintain). It is compact and designed to be mounted to the wall and most importantly, it flows up to 25 GPM so that you will not experience pressure loss. Ideal for condos, apartments, RV’s and small homes – the Limeblaster can also work very well in homes up to 3.5 bathrooms. Our US Water Systems housings are 4.5” x 20” and very robust – in fact they have a Lifetime Warranty.

Home Protection

  • Protects your plumbing, pipes, faucets, fixtures and showerheads – in fact, it protects everything that water touches in your home.
  • Helps save up to 30% on energy used for heating water by eliminating and preventing scale in your water heater – gas or electric. Ideal for homes with tankless water heaters.
  • In homes that already have limescale buildup, the Limeblaster Compact Filtration Salt-Free Alternative System will (over time) dissolve existing limescale in the system.
  • By removing the chlorine, your appliances, faucets and flush valves (anything that has “rubber” seals will last much longer due to eliminating the deleterious effects of chlorine.)

Personal Protection

  • Eliminates the harsh effects of chlorine on your skin and hair, promoting silky, clean hair and healthy radiant skin. You will love how the Limeblaster Dual System treats your skin.
  • Removing the chlorine means that you will not be breathing or absorbing chemicals as you shower, through vaporization and skin absorption. If you are concerned with maintaining a healthy body, this is an important step.
  • Of course, you will not be drinking water that has chlorine and chemicals, since the Limeblaster Dual removes most chemicals, such as chlorine, pesticides, VOC’s THM’s and many other contaminants. For use in cooking, drinking, watering plants and 9 out of 10 pets prefer it!

Simple Reliable Technology

LimeBlaster Compact Filtration Salt-Free Alternative by US Water Systems uses a unique and patented dosing system that adds a small amount of Siliphos (a food-grade material) to the water. This effectively “seals” calcium and magnesium, preventing them from adhering to surfaces or pipes. Silco Polyphosphate is a food-grade product, safe for human consumption according to WHO and FAO recommendations. It meets all FDA requirements for being “food grade.” Cities have used it for years on a smaller scale, and it is completely safe.

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US Water Systems