Novo Water Conditioning Products
Novo water conditioning products is one of North America’s leading manufacturers & distributors of water conditioning products. Novo products are sold exclusively through plumbing professionals across the United States. Novo’s Home Protection Systems soften water while removing unwanted chlorine and chloramines from your water. We offer a range of industry-leading, high efficiency water conditioning products to help you solve your water problems.

How Do Whole House Water Filters Work?
Novo specialty systems
Many ground water supplies have multiple problems including hardness, discoloration and poor taste and odor. Novo water conditioning products let you fix multiple problems with one system, saving your money and space.
Novo HTO (Hardness, Taste & Odor Removal)
Ideal for homes on chlorinated, hard municipal water. This one-of-a-kind combination system offers the same high-quality product water of having separate softener and carbon filtration units in a space saving, one-unit design. The HTO removes hardness and bad taste and odor caused by chlorine, chloramines or organic matter.
- Lower Upfront Costs – Pay for one unit instead of two separate systems.
- Lower Annual Costs – Novo upflow regeneration and precision brining uses less salt and water than traditional softeners and our two-tank system allows you to change the carbon and softener resin at different times, unlike mixed bed units.
Novo 485 SIMTAN (Soften & Filter Problems From Your Water)
Many ground water supplies often have multiple problems that are not only an issue from an aesthetic standpoint but in terms of cost when pipes become clogged, fixtures stained and laundry discolored.
Novo SIM Series (Softener, Ferrous Iron and Manganese Combination Removal)
Specially designed for low pH (acidic) water, the SIM Series is an effective, efficient and economical solution for softening hard water and removing clear water and red water iron. Novo high efficiency technology saves your salt, water and money by setting the regeneration cycles based on actual soft water usage.
Novo TAN Series (Tannin Removal) – Novo Water Conditioning Products
NovoTAN Series System uses anion exchange resin to remove color cause by organic decay to improve water appearance and prevent staining.
Novo HEDP Softener (High Efficiency Dual Pass) – Novo Water Conditioning Products
The HEDP is engineered for residential and light commercial applications that have high hardness water supplies (typically >75 gpg) including boiler feed systems. softener offers consistent, softer water by using a two-tank system to prevent unwanted hardness “slippage”. Slippage happens when the water is too hard for the softener to remove all of the hardness minerals as the water goes through system.
They HEDP’s first tank acts as the workhorse by significantly reducing the water hardness. The second tank acts as a “polisher” by removing all remaining hardness.
The HEDP uses upflow regeneration and precision brining to reduce annual salt and water costs and is more cost effective than larger single tank systems.
Novo 485 Neutrasoft Two Tank Water Conditioning System
Designed for homes and businesses that need to neutralize corrosives and remove hardness to protect fixtures, pipes and appliances. This two-tank system uses calcite in the first tank to raise the pH in acidic water and softens water in the second tank, leaving you with pH balanced, luxuriously soft water.
Your will also appreciate saving money.
- Lower Upfront Costs – Pay for one unit instead of two.
- Lower Annual Costs – Novo reverse flow regeneration and precision brining uses less salt and water than traditional softeners and our two-tank system allows you to change the calcite and softener resin at different times, unlike mixed bed units.
The Right Solution Starts With A Water Test
A proper water analysis will identify contaminants and their amounts allowing your plumbing professional to select the right solution. Many contaminants can be tested for on-site.
GSHA Services, LTD offers free in-house testing and product recommendations for these common water problems:
- Iron – Stains plumbing fixtures. Stains laundry. Metallic taste. Musty odor. Sprinkler stains.
- Turbidity– Cloudy water from suspended sand or silt. Common in private wells or due to water main breaks in municipal systems.
- Bad Taste & Odor – Earthy, musty, swampy or organic odor or taste often caused by decaying vegetation in surface water. Chlorine odor and taste often found in municipal water supplies. Rotten egg smell (hydrogen sulphide).
- Acidity – Degradation of pipes & blue green staining on plumbing fixtures or tint in water from copper pipes reacting with acidic. water (low pH).
We offer a range of industry-leading, high efficiency Novo water conditioning products to help you solve your water problems. Give us a call at (224) 220-3660 today or schedule an appointment online!

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